BioBizz Fish Mix 1L


  • High-quality growth fertilizer for outdoor plants (indoor also possible)
  • can be used in the vegiphase instead of Biobizz Grow
  • Produced completely organically from sugar beet extract and fish parts
  • promotes the development of beneficial microorganisms

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SKU: BB-FM1 Categories: ,


What is Fish Mix?

This rich infusion, consisting of fish parts from the North Sea and organic sugar beet extract from the Netherlands, supports the growth of all living organisms in the substrate.

It improves and promotes the production of microorganisms and beneficial bacteria in any type of soil and in coco-based substrates. The fact that Fish Mix is not extracted with acids or stabilized with the synthetic preservative BHT (butylhydroxytoluene) is interesting for compliance with your strict organic farming requirements.


You can use Fish Mix for all outdoor plants in the first growth phases and during the flowering period until harvest. After just a few days, poor quality soil is transformed into a rich and rich soil, full of the natural minerals your plants so desperately need.

It is so mild that it can be used in the early stages of plant life or sprayed directly onto the leaves during the vegetative growth cycle.

If you want to enrich your All Mix with Fish Mix, we recommend a dose of 1 ml per liter of water. For Light Mix, increase the quantity to 2 – 4 ml per liter of water. Follow the quantity instructions on the packaging to achieve the best results.




BioBizz steht für erstklassige, organische Dünger und Substrate, die speziell entwickelt wurden, um Pflanzen auf natürliche Weise zu stärken und zu nähren. Mit BioBizz Produkten wird das Wachstum von Pflanzen sowohl im Indoor- als auch im Outdoor-Bereich auf nachhaltige Weise unterstützt. Alle Produkte basieren auf hochwertigen, natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und sind einfach in der Anwendung – ideal für umweltbewusste Grower.