BioBizz Trypack Outdoor


Biobizz® Outdoor-Pack contains:

  • Bio Bloom – 250 ML
  • Fish Mix – 250ML
  • Top Max – 250 ML

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SKU: BB-TRYOUT Categories: ,


The BioBizz starter kit: organic stimulants for outdoor plants.

BioBizz Trypacks are ideal for all grow beginners. The outdoor starter set provides sufficient nutrition for up to four plants with 250 ml of liquid fertilizer each. BioBizz fertilizers are 100% organic, which means that overfertilization is almost impossible.

The Biobizz Trypack Outdoor contains

Biobizz Fish Mix
is an organic liquid fertilizer that supplies the soil with nitrogen, stimulates the biological activity of the soil and accelerates plant growth. It consists of fish emulsion and sugar beet extract and is also suitable for foliar fertilization.

BioBizz Bio Bloom
serves as a supplement to the basic fertilizer Bio-Grow and provides all the important nutrients for the flowering and fruiting phase. The high levels of phosphorus and potassium give the plant the strength it needs to produce magnificent flowers and fruit.

BioBizz Topmax
is a flower stimulator and helps to accelerate cell division. BioBizz Topmax increases the concentration of fructose in the plants. This results in compact flowers and a particularly intense fruit flavor.

Biobizz Trypack Outdoor, 250ml

Manufacturer: BioBizz


– BioBizz Fish-Mix, 250ml
– BioBizz Bio-Bloom, 250ml
– BioBizz Topmax, 250ml

Weight: approx. 0.95kg




BioBizz steht für erstklassige, organische Dünger und Substrate, die speziell entwickelt wurden, um Pflanzen auf natürliche Weise zu stärken und zu nähren. Mit BioBizz Produkten wird das Wachstum von Pflanzen sowohl im Indoor- als auch im Outdoor-Bereich auf nachhaltige Weise unterstützt. Alle Produkte basieren auf hochwertigen, natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und sind einfach in der Anwendung – ideal für umweltbewusste Grower.