HESI Super Vit 50ml


  • Highly concentrated mixture of amino acids and vitamins
  • Metabolism and health of the plant are strengthened
  • Strong growth and high-yield harvest

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HESI Super Vit 50ml

Hesi Super Vit provides your plants with 25 important vital substances.
These ensure improved growth and higher yields by improving the soil flora and hormone production of the plants.
Hesi Super Vit can be used on all substrates.
It should be added regularly to the irrigation water both during growth and for flowering plants.
Alternatively, you can also spray your plants with it.
Vitamins and amino acids act as accelerators for the processes in the plant’s metabolism.
The photosynthesis of plants is also positively influenced by these substances.
Just like humans, plants need vitamins to survive.
Unlike humans, however, plants can produce all the vitamins they need themselves using water, carbon dioxide and inorganic fertilizers.
If these vitamins are supplied externally, the plant can save energy that would otherwise be needed to produce the vitamins itself.




Hesi entwickelt hochwertige Pflanzendünger, die speziell dafür konzipiert sind, Pflanzen in jeder Wachstums- und Blütephase optimal zu versorgen. Dank ihrer einzigartigen Zusammensetzung fördern die Hesi-Produkte gesundes Wurzelwachstum, kräftige Pflanzen und üppige Blüten. Ideal für Grower, die auf Effizienz und Qualität setzen – sowohl für den Indoor- als auch für den Outdoor-Anbau.