Purolyt disinfectant concentrate 1L


  • Chemical-free disinfection of liquids, room air and surfaces
  • Does not leave any residue
  • No resistance formation possible

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SKU: PL-DESI1 Category:



Purolyt has been specially developed to help growers keep their greenhouses, garden tools, propagators, inert substrates, hydroponic systems and nutrient solutions free from unwanted microorganisms and biofilms. The GAMECHANGER Purolyt opens up completely new possibilities for plant cultivation with VPD tables, as a clean environment enables cultivation even at high temperatures and high humidity. It is finally possible to utilize the full genetic potential of the plants.


Purolyt can be used for surface disinfection in greenhouses and other agricultural applications using the following methods:

  • Spraying
  • Cold nebulization
  • Wipe disinfection

Purolyt can be added directly to disinfect water nutrient solutions. As pathogens such as bacteria, fungi and viruses are spread via the irrigation water, clean and germ-free water is the top priority.

Important instructions for use:

– Any dilution prepared must be used as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours after preparation. Store in a tightly closed container and protect from UV light. – Always use purified water (e.g. distilled water, deionized water or osmosis water) for spraying/misting. We recommend commercially available pressure sprayers with a pressure of at least 3 bar. – If the plants are cultivated under artificial light, spraying/misting should be carried out immediately before or during the photoperiod, but the production lamps must always be switched off. – The production lamps must remain switched off for 20-30 minutes after spraying. One 4 Watt LED per 3 m² is sufficient to keep the plants in the photoperiod during this time.


Preventive hygiene measures in plant cultivation can significantly reduce the risk of infection and therefore also the use of pesticides. At the same time, the chances of success of biological pest control increase.


The functional principle is similar to the way the human body fights bacteria and viruses. When the immune system recognizes a threat, white blood cells are activated to produce an antimicrobial substance called hypochlorous acid (HOCL). HOCL is also the active ingredient in Purolyt. It has been scientifically proven that HOCL has extremely effective disinfectant properties.


Hypochlorous acid effectively eliminates bacteria, fungi and algae. When used as intended, it ensures a safe environment. It also effectively removes biofilms in water-bearing systems and prevents them from forming again.


+ Creates safe conditions for constant and successful production + Advantageous climatic conditions can be created that support the reproduction of beneficial insects and virtually prevent the reproduction of pests + Downtimes and losses can be minimized + Working time and labour costs are saved


+ Active ingredients decompose back into water and trace elements + Due to the mechanism of action, microorganisms cannot develop resistance + FREE from additives such as surfactants, phosphates, formaldehydes, alcohols, silver ions, fragrances or colorants


Produced from water + salt + electricity in an electrochemical process that conserves resources. Nothing else!

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Product Features

1,3 kg




Purolyt ist eine Marke, die sich auf die Herstellung und den Vertrieb von Desinfektionsmitteln und Hygieneprodukten spezialisiert hat. Die Firma hat sich vor allem auf die Entwicklung von elektrolytisch aktiviertem Wasser fokussiert, das als Desinfektionsmittel verwendet wird. Purolyt-Produkte werden oft in der Lebensmittelindustrie, medizinischen Einrichtungen, und anderen Bereichen verwendet, in denen hohe Hygienestandards erforderlich sind.