AC Infinity Large trim tray system, 3-tray & 2-sieve set, interchangeable and ergonomic design


  • Innovative trim tray set with a customizable design that helps you harvest plant material quickly and conveniently.
  • Interchangeable 3-tray set with sorting and dry sieve screen, optimized for collecting small leaves and pollen.
  • Features a stainless steel bowl with a food-safe surface that facilitates pollen collection and cleaning.
  • The high-walled trim tray keeps the clippings together; 2 lower trim containers allow trimming on the lap or desk.
  • 50.8 cm x 35.1 cm x 12.2 cm Sorting, sieving and trimming trays | 150-micron sieve & ABS 757 sorting grid | Accessories for trimming

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A high-quality plant trimming system designed to process finely harvested herbs, buds, flowers and more. The interchangeable design features a 150-micron screen and ABS 757 sorting screen that can be quickly swapped out to process smaller or larger plant clippings. The screening tray is made of food-grade stainless steel and allows for easy cleaning after each session to avoid unwanted residue. This optimized surface also allows pollen and other fine plant materials to be fully collected without sticking. The sorting and sifting trays allow you to trim plants on your lap or desk, while the walls of the top trimming tray are raised to hold clippings securely. The trimming tray is also ergonomically shaped to maximize comfort while working.


This trimming system is ideal for efficiently processing large quantities of plant material. The raised trimming tray design prevents unwanted plant debris from escaping, ensuring a clean and organized work surface. The interchangeable screens offer versatility as they allow different sizes of plant clippings to be processed with precision. The set is perfect for collecting fine material such as pollen as well as trimming leaves and buds for other applications such as potpourri, essential oils and aromatherapy. The ergonomic design provides comfort during extended trimming sessions and makes this system a reliable tool for serious harvesting work.


This trimming tray set includes sorting and screening screens that can be easily interchanged to meet all your plant processing needs. In addition to these and the two collection trays, the full set also includes pruning shears and a soft brush so you can start harvesting and collecting quickly. The unused extra tray can be used as a handy storage space for the collected prunings.

General information
manufacturer AC Infinity Inc.
Product name Large trim tray system
Product model AC-TTA3
UPC code 819137024434
Product dimensions
Sorting tray 34.5 x 50.0 x 11.8 cm
Sieve tray 34.5 x 50.0 x 8.5 cm
Trim tray 35.3 x 50.8 x 6.7 cm
Performance and technical specifications
Stainless steel quality SUS 304
Sieve screen 150 micron
Sorting screen ABS 757
Brush Soft bristle wool
Garden shears Straight, stainless steel

Additional information

Product Features

4,8 kg



AC Infinity

AC Infinity ist ein führender Hersteller von Lüftungssystemen und Klimakontrolllösungen für den Indoor-Anbau. Die innovativen Produkte von AC Infinity zeichnen sich durch höchste Effizienz und leisen Betrieb aus und sind speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Growern zugeschnitten. Von leistungsstarken Ventilatoren bis hin zu fortschrittlichen Klimareglern – AC Infinity bietet die perfekte Lösung, um das Raumklima in deinem Grow-Raum optimal zu steuern.